Should you have any inquiry, please reach us through below contact.
1. Email: [email protected]
Our customer service will get back to your questions by email within 3 working days.
2. Live Chat on our web pages. (Service time from 10:00 to 22:00 GMT+1 Monday to Friday)
Welcome to chat with our online customer service for urgent requests.
3. We are on Facebook!
Stop by our site and share tea news with your friends on Facebook!
1. Email: [email protected]
Our customer service will get back to your questions by email within 3 working days.
2. Live Chat on our web pages. (Service time from 10:00 to 22:00 GMT+1 Monday to Friday)
Welcome to chat with our online customer service for urgent requests.
3. We are on Facebook!
Stop by our site and share tea news with your friends on Facebook!